8/2007, Graduate student, BME, UCI
9/2001-1/2002, Graduate student, Engineering science and Mechanics,
Penn State University.
9/1998-7/2001, Master, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, P. R. China
9/1994-7/1998, Bachelor, Peking University, Department of Mechanics,
P. R. China
1. Lisen
Wang, Jente Lu, Steve A. Marchenko, Edwin S. Monuki, Lisa A. Flanagan, Abraham
P. Lee, “Dual Frequency Dielectrophoresis with Interdigitated Sidewall Electrodes for Microfluidic Flow-through Separation of Beads and Cells”, Electrophoresis, 2009, 30, 1–10.
2. Lisa A. Flanagan,
Jente Lu, Lisen
Wang, Steve A. Marchenko, Noo Li Jeon, Abraham
P. Lee, Edwin S. Monuki, “Unique Dielectric Properties
Distinguish Stem Cells and their Differentiated Progeny”, Stem Cells, vol. 26 (3), pp. 656 -665, 2008.
3. Lisen
Lisa A. Flanagan, Noo Li Jeon, Edwin Monuki, and Abraham P.
Lee, "Dielectrophoresis Switching with Vertical Sidewall Electrodes
Microfluidic Flow Cytometry". Lab on a Chip, vol.7 (9), pp. 1114-1120, 2007.
4. Lisen
Wang, Abraham P Lee, "Dielectrophoretic
Microfluidic Switching for Lab on a Chip Applications," Mater.
Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 1004, 1004-P08-04, 2007.
5. Lisen
Lisa Flanagan, Abraham P. Lee*, "Side-Wall Vertical Electrodes
for Lateral Field Microfluidic Applications", Journal of
Microelectromechanical Systems, vol 16 (2), pp. 454-461, 2007.
6. Dan
Nicolau, Dan V. Nicolau, Jr., Gerardin Solana, Kristi L. Hanson,
Luisa Filipponi, Lisen
Abraham P. Lee, “Fungi use efficient algorithms for the exploration
of microfluidics networks”, Small, vol. 2 (10), pp.
1212-1220, 2006.
7. Lisen
Wang, Steven Marchenko, Noo Li Jeon, Edwin
Monuki, Lisa A. Flanagan, Abraham P. Lee, “Lateral Cell
Separation in Microfluidic Channel by 3D Electrode Dielectrophoresis”,
The Tenth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry
and Life Sciences (uTAS 2006), Tokyo, Japan, November 5-9, 2006,
pp. 567-569.
8. Dan
V. Nicolau, Dan V. Nicolau Jr., Gerardin Solana, Kristi L. Hanson,
Luisa Filipponi, Lisen
Abraham P. Lee*, "Molecular motors-based micro- and nano-biocomputation
devices", Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 83, pp.
1582–1588, 2006.
9. Lisen
Wang, Steven Marchenko, Jennifer Huang,
Noo Li Jeon, Edwin Monuki, Lisa A. Flanagan, Abraham P. Lee, Design
and Fabrication of Vertical Electrodes in Microchannels for Particles/cells
Sorting by Dielectrophoresis, Proc. of IEEE-MMB 2006, Okinawa,
Japan, May 9-12, 2006.
10. Lisen
Wang, Lisa A. Flanagan, Edwin Monuki,
Noo Li Jeon, Abraham P. Lee, A Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Microfluidic
platform for Cell Switching. Proc. of IEEE-MMB 2005, Oahu, Hawaii,
May 12-15, 2005.
11. Lisen
Wang, Abraham P Lee A Microfabrication
Process for Polymer Microchannel with Embeded Vertical Electrodes
for Microfluidic Applications. Proceedings of 2004 ASME: International
Mechanical Engineering Congress & RD Expo Nov. 13-19, Anaheim
12. Lisen
Wang, John Collins, Abraham. P. Lee, Design
Of Programmable Diffusion Bioassays Based On MHD Microfluidic System,
Summer Bioengineering Conference 2003, Florida.
13. Y.-P.
ZHAO,L. S. WANG, and T. X. YU,. Mechanics of adhesion
in MEMS-a review. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology,
Special Issue on Adhesion Aspects in MEMS, 17(4):519-546 (2003).
14. Lisen
Wang, Ya-pu Zhao, The effect of Surface
Roughness on the adhesion of Microstructures. Tribology Transactions
( in Chinese), 22(4z): 339-343 (2002).
15. Lisen
Wang, Yuqun Hu, Zhihong Li, Tongxi Yu,
Ya-pu Zhao, Failure Analysis of Microaccelerometer under
Imapct Loading . Journal of Mechanical Strength (the100th special
issue on MEMS) ( In Chinese) , 23(4): 516-522 (2001).
16. L.
S. Wang, Y-P. Zhao, Z. H. Li, G. Li, Z.
C. Yang, T. Li and G. Y. Wu. A Bulk Micro-machined Accelerometer
with Comb Fingers Sensed Capacitors. International Journal of
Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 1(5): 431-436 (2000).
17. L.
S. Wang, Y-P. Zhao,
Z. H. Li, G. Li, Z. C. Yang, T. Li and G. Y. Wu. Simulation
and Test of a Novel Micro-machined Accelerometer. International
Symposium on Smart Structures and Microsystems (Oct. 19-21, 2000,
Hong Kong).
Zhao, Lisen Wang, Kehao Sun, Tabor number, Adhesion parameter
and Elastic Theory of Microscale Adhesive Contact. Advances
in Mechanics (in Chinese), 29(4): 529-537 (2000).
Sun, Yuqun Hu, Lisen Wang, Ya-pu Zhao, MEMS CAD. In:
Mechanics 2000 (In Chinese) Aug. 2000, pp. 621-622.