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use in homeotropic alignment, Thin Solid Films,
vol. 496, pp. 601-605, 2006
- J.
Collins and A.P. Lee, Microfluidic Flow Transducer Based
on the Measurement of Electrical Admittance, Lab.
Chip, vol. 4, pp. 7-10, 2004
- A.
Jaiswal, J. Collins, B. Agricole, P. Delhaes, S. Ravaine, Layer-by-layer
self-assembly of Prussian blue colloids, J. Coll.
Interface Sci., vol. 261(2), pp. 330-335, 2003
- A.
Dhathathreyan and S.J. Collins, Molecular Dynamics Simulation
of (Octadecylamino)dihydroxysalicylaldehyde at Air/Water Interface,
Langmuir, vol. 18, pp. 928, 2002
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J Collins, A Dhathathreyan, T. Ramasami, Anomalous spreading
behaviour of polyethyleneglycoldistearate monolayers at air/water
interface, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci.- Chem. Sci.,
vol. 113(2), pp. 119, 2001
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and Langmuir Blodgett film of octadecylamino dihydroxysalicylaldehyde,
Thin Solid Film, vol. 358, pp. 229, 2000
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J. Collins, A. Dhathathreyan, T. Ramasami, Phase Transition
in Langmuir Films of Octadecylmalonic acid, J. Coll.
Interface Sci. vol. 293, pp. 249, 1998
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J. Collins, N. L .Mary, G. Radhakrishnan, A. Dhathathreyan, Studies
on Spread Monolayers of Derivative of Styrene-Maleic Anhydride
Copolymers, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans, vol.
93, pp. 4021, 1997
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Dhathatheyan, N. L. Mary, G. Radhakrishnan, S. J. Collins, Langmuir
and Langmuir-Blodgett Films of Schiff Base Modified Styrene-Maleic
Anhydride Copolymers, Macromolecules, vol. 29,
pp. 1827, 1996
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J. Collins, G. N. Mahesh, G. Radhakrishnan, A. Dhathathreyan,
Effects of spreading solvents on the monolayers of poly(methymethacrylate),
Colloids and Surfaces, A: Physicochemical and Engineering
Aspect, vol. 95A, pp. 297, 1995
- J.
Collins and A.P. Lee, Flow induced admittance spectroscopy:
characterization of biochemicals and biomolecules in microfluidics.
(Submitted to Lab on a Chip).
- J. Collins,
and A.P. Lee, Detection and analysis of ramping of droplet
sizes in microfluidics, (Submitted to Microfluidics and
- Electrical
impedance based monitoring of viscous drag of living cells.
J. Collins and A.P. Lee, IEEE Sensors, Oct 31-Nov 3,
2005, Irvine, California.
- Automated
Multiplexed Multidensity Microfluidic (M3) Cell Sensing Based
on Electrical Gain measurements, J. Collins, D. Lavigne,
Y. Lin, D. Goodman, P. Irwan, A. P. Lee, IEEE EMBS Special
Topics Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology,
May 12-15, 2005, Hawaii.
- Characterization
of neural stem cells for cell sorting using flow induced electrical
admittance spectra in microfluidics. J. Collins, N.L.
Jeon, L. Flanagan, E. Monuki, A. P. Lee, The eighth international
Conference on Miniaturised Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences.
MicroTAS 2004, Sept. 26-30, Malmö, Sweden.
- Nanofluidic
channel engineering using laminar flow layer-by-layer deposition
of polyelectrolytes. J. Collins, D. Goodman, P. Delhaes,
A.P. Lee, 3rd Integrated Nanosystems Conference, Sept.
22-25, 2003 Pasadena, California.
- Microfluidic
flow transducer based on the measurement of electrical admittance.
J. Collins, A. P. Lee, The 2004 UC Systemwide Bioengineering
Symposium, June 26-28, 2004, Irvine, California.
- Biochemical,
biomolecular and cellular sensing in microfluidics using flow
induced admittance spectra. J. Collins, L. Flanagan,
N. Jeon, E. Monuki, A.P. Lee, 26th Annual International Conference
of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,
September 1-5, 2004, San Francisco, California.
- Control
of Concentration and Volume Gradients in Microfluidic Droplet
Arrays for Protein Crystallization Screening. W-C. Chao,
J. Collins, S-W. Wang, G.P. Li, M. Bachman, A.P. Lee, 26th
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Society, September 1-5, 2004, San Francisco,
- Detection
and analysis of high speed droplet generation in a microfluidic
device. J. Collins, A. P. Lee, ASME International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and R&D Expo 2004, Nov
13-19, 2004, Anaheim, California.
- Droplet
Arrays in Microfluidic Channels for Combinatorial Screening Assays.
W-C Chao, J. Collins, M. Bachman, G.P. Li, and A. P. Lee, Hilton
Head 2004: A Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop,
- Characterization
and sorting of neural stem cells in microfluidic devices.
A.P. Lee, J. Collins, J.S. Fisher, N. L. Jeon, L. Flanagan, and
E. Monuki, Stem Cells: Keystone Symposia. 2004. Keystone
Resort, Colorado.
- Optimization
of Shear Driven Droplet Generation in a Microfluidic Device.
J. Collins, Y-C. Tan, A.P. Lee, ASME International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and R&D Expo, 2003, Washington.
- Integrated
Microfluidic Processors and Picoliter Droplets for Biomedical
Applications. A.P. Lee, Y.C. Tan, J. Collins, International
Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and
Sciences, July 24-29, 2003, Corfu, Greece.
- Design
Of Programmable Diffusion Bioassays Based On MHD Microfluidic
System. L. Wang, J. Collins, A. P. Lee, 2003 Summer
Bioengineering Conference, Florida.
- Controlled
Fission of Droplet Emulsions in Bifurcating Microfluidic Channels.
Y-C. Tan, J. Collins, and A. P. Lee, Transducers 2003,
- Monodisperse
Droplet Emulsions in Co-flow Microfluidic Channels. Y-C.
Tan, J. Collins., and Abraham P. Lee, Micro TAS 2003,
Lake Tahoe, California.
- Time
dependent interaction of an ionic subphase with a Langmuir monolayers.
J. Collins, M. Dennin, Division of Physical Chemistry, 223rd
ACS National Meeting, April 7-11, 2002, Orlando, Florida.
- Layer-by-layer
multilayers of Prussian Blue Colloids. A.Biswal, J. Collins,
B.Agricole, R.Serge, P. Delhaes, Division of Colloid and Surface
Chemistry, 223rd ACS National Meeting, April 7-11, 2002,
Orlando, Florida.
- Immunoassay
Apparatus and Method Using Electrical Flow-induced Admittance,
J. Collins, A.P. Lee, Docket, No. UCIVN-073N
- Automated
Multiplexed Multidensity Microfluidic (M3) Cell Monitoring,
J. Collins, A.P. Lee, UC Case No. 2005-695-1
- A. P. Lee,
J. Collins, A.V. Lemoff, Multi-Functional Magnetohydrodynamic
(MHD) Devices for Micro Total Analysis Systems, Handbook
of BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology: Biomolecular Sensing,
Processing and Analysis, Part I: Micro and Nano-scale Biosensors,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Volume IV, Chapter 10.